Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vote In Our Poll! Tell Your Friends to Visit This Blog!

Make sure to take a second to vote on our poll on the left side of the blog!

The question is:

After checking out, would a Jamendo iTouch and iPhone application making Jamendo music available anytime and anywhere be worth it and would you use it?

VOTE and let us know!

Please be sure to check back often and see new music postings!

Go explore ears won't regret it!

Tell your friends to check out what is all about and visit this blog!

Please feel free to comment on our postings! Anyone can comment on

We want to hear what you think!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jamendo is great for the Library

My favorite part about Jamendo is that you can listen to the whole entire song and it's not just 30 second clips. I normally use it when I'm at the library doing homework, I just put my head phones in and start listening. The tags on the side are also really great to use because depending on what type of listening mood I am in, I can easily hit a tag and it brings up a hundred different songs. Then I can just let it play throughout my homework and never have to worry about finding a new song because it just plays different songs from the same genre.
I think that one of the best features about Jamendo is a way to support the artists. Listeners of Jamendo can give their favs money through creative commons. It is a great way to support the artists and the music you like! And it's really simple too. Just click the "support this artist" button and fill out the 5 questions and you're done! 

Also, for all the Miami University peeps out there! Cavashawn, formerly Marking Twain is on Jamendo! So its a way to take your favorite band with you! Just put it on your ipod and go! 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jam with Jamendo!

Be sure to let us know how worked for you!

We want to know what cool music you have found and put on your iPod!

Make sure you vote in our poll on the right hand part of the screen!

Get your friends to visit our blog and to visit!

Check back often for new popular music postings as well as discussions!

Remember only 1 music site is truly FREE and legal on the web! All music is legal through Creative Commons licensing. Best of all, it is user friendly and is always updated with the latest and greatest music tracks from artists all around the world!

We dare you to try something new...try Let us know what great playlists you can put together for an alternative beat next time you take a drive or work out!

Pyraminx - A Musical Immersion by Roger Subirana...A Jamendo Album of the Week! Click Play!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Madison, by Cavashawn....Check it out on Jamendo! Click to Play!


Take a Quick Tour of Jamendo on YouTube!!!

A Musical Revolution

iPod and music fans everywhere...

Tired of paying for music?

Tired of the same old songs played on the radio over and over again?

Check out!!!
-Jamendo is the most popular music site in Europe featuring independent music
-Jamendo is breaking into the US music market
-Jamendo is 100% free
-FREE for Artists to join and upload tracks
-FREE listening on the site!
-FREE downloads of every single track on the website!

Even better, all music can be downloaded into iTunes and placed on your iPod.

Take Jamendo music tracks on the go with your iPod!

Tell your friends and family to try something new! Tell them to check out and if they like what they see, sign up for a FREE account!

Remember, the freshest ears listen to Jamendo!!!